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K-Pop On Over To 🇰🇷Seoul On These Great Flights!

These flights to Korea are going sometimes for $500+ cheaper than usual!

From $781

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Bibimbop, K-Pop - the Koreans just can't stop! If you're looking for a trip that won't be topped, Seoul will hit the spot!

We found 2 week-long trips departing from the US and Canada for under a $1000 to amazing Korea! Flying into Seoul, you'll have the chance to check out this technicolor metropolis, stunning beaches, incredible mountains and much much more!

Check out these fun roundtrip flights to Seoul with China Eastern, China Airlines, Air Canada and others.


Great for Couples
Great for Solo Travel
Flights included
Top Location
Best time to travel
Great Food
Checked baggage included
Close to the Sea
Family Friendly
See All Highlights


  • Los Angeles
  • Seattle
  • San Francisco
  • New York City
  • Washington
  • Vancouver


  • Seoul


Here are some of the dates and departure airports we found for you, but there are many more available.

Korea is pretty far away - some of these trips give you a break with daytrip layovers in places like Shanghai!

Here's the best priced flight we found...

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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