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Deals on Flights & Vacations Departing from Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver

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Canada Departures 🇨🇦: Travel for Those Located in Canada

If you live in Canada and are looking for the best flight deals and vacation deals departing from Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, or Vancouver... then you've come to the right place. Below, we've compiled our best deals departing out of Canadian airports.

Whether you're looking to escape the winter snow and fly somewhere sunnier, or even looking for great domestic deals for flights to Canada and even the US, we have you covered. Check out our other departure pages to share with friends. From Texas Departures, to NYC Departures, Boston Departures, to Los Angeles Departures, & more. We cover multiple destinations in the US in all of our deals.

*Please note that a lot of our deals are quoted in USD currency.

Some major airports we will target in our day-to-day deals are Montreal Airport (YUL) and Toronto Airport (YYZ), along with Calgary International Airport (YYC) and Vancouver International Airport (YVR), on occasion.

Inspirational Hotel Deals in Canada

Below, we've compiled our most recent hotel deals for a stay in Canada. You'll find hotels with cave spas, wine barrel hotels, amazing deals on Fairmont five star hotels, and so much more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have some burning questions about departing from Canada? We've collected all the most commonly asked questions about traveling from Canadian airport, and you can find these - and the answers - right below!

Q: What city code is YYZ Canada?

A: YYZ is the Airport Code for Toronto Pearson International

Q: What are some budget airlines that fly out of Canada?

A: Flair Airlines, Air Transat, Porter Airlines, Swoop (a subsidiary of WestJet), & Sunwing.

Q: Are there cheap flights from Canada to Mexico?

A: Yes, a majority of the airlines fly to Canada. For instance, budget airline Flair Airlines flies to Cancun, Guadalajara, Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, & More from as low as $237 CAD, or $173 USD.