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Hand-picked deals by our pirate team

Hand-picked deals by our pirate team

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Hand-picked deals by our pirate team


What Sustainability Means for Us

Our purpose is to unlock people's desire to travel and explore the world. We want to make the world accessible to everybody, regardless of their personal circumstances.

However, to maintain a world worth exploring, we are committed to helping save our planet for future generations.

Healthy Planet = Healthy People

Taking care of our planet means taking care of ourselves and future generations. As one of the most influential travel platforms, we want to commit ourselves to:

  1. Showing more sustainable deals

  2. Enriching our standard deal content with sustainable travel information

  3. Increasing our informational content with more sustainable magazine articles

  4. Reviewing our own business travel behavior to prioritize non-flight modes of transportation. At the same time, compensate for all our business travel-related emissions.

The Golden Rule for Everyone

Travel and the tourism industry, in general, create opportunities for inspirational exchanges and connect people around the world. Therefore we consider diversity, inclusivity, and fairness among our main responsibilities and commit to:

  1. Supporting actions that equalize marginal groups

  2. Integrating social factors into our sustainable business goals

  3. Driving our business with a diverse and inclusive group of colleagues

  4. Providing our teams with a good and fair living income

Collaboration is key

We acknowledge that we cannot do it alone and at once, but we can engage in collaboration to make sustainability a priority in the industry. Therefore, we commit to:

  1. Running thoughtful office operations at our Berlin headquarters (plastic and waste reduction, organic food and drink supply, energy operation)

  2. Prioritising partnerships that also have sustainability as a main focus in their business operation

  3. Letting local businesses come first wherever possible

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