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Heidelberg, Heidelberg Castle
This deal is already a few days old and availability may have changed.

Fall in Love with Heidelberg with these Budget-friendly Flights ❤️🇩🇪🏰

Explore the Romantic Town of Heidelberg from $395—Usually $700+

From $395

Published by

With its romantic castle and charming old town, Heidelberg is like a page out of a storybook—it is considered one of Germany's most beautiful cities for a reason.

Explore its cobblestone streets, renowned Philospher's Way, and plenty more with these budget-friendly flights from $395 RT—typically $700+

You land in Frankfurt after a layover, and Heidelberg is about an hour train ride away. Train fares are usually around 10 euros one-way


Great for Hikers
Great for Couples
Great for Groups
Great for Solo Travel


  • Boston
  • New York City
  • Baltimore
  • Miami
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Portland


  • Heidelberg


Here are some dates and departure airports we found for you, but more are available.

These flights and prices are based on short layovers or nonstop journey

🔻Departing from New York

🔻Departing from Boston

🔻Departing from Baltimore

🔻Departing from Chicago

🔻Departing from Miami

🔻Departing from San Francisco

🔻Departing from Los Angeles

🔻Departing from Portland Oregon

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuations and changes at any time.

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