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Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach Florida, florida
This deal is already a few days old and availability may have changed.

🇺🇸 SKIP Labor Day TRAVEL Madness! Head to AMELIA ISLAND, Florida 2 days later!

😎 4 Nights at Top Rated SEASIDE 2 ⭐ Hotel with POOL + RT airfare to Jacksonville from $402 per person! ✈️

From $402

Published by
Andrea Hunt·5/25/2024

Amelia Island, Florida is a hidden gem up the coast from Jacksonville with beautiful powdery white beaches, historic sites, and outdoor actitvies for adults and families. Stroll through Fernandina Beach's charming downtown with its shops, restaurants, and Victorian buildings or chill by the pool. Take advantage of this deal after labor day with 4 nights seaside hotel with a pool (rated 8.8/10 on!) + RT Airfare to Jacksonville from $402 per person.

Pirate Tip: Amelia Island is 33 miles from Jacksonville, Florida. Take a taxi for around $75 or rent a car here to fully explore this paradise! See Trip Advisor's top activities here.


Great for Couples
Close to the Sea
Beachfront location
Outdoor Pool
Great for Groups


  • Atlanta
  • Chicago
  • New York City
  • Minneapolis
  • Los Angeles
  • Detroit
  • New Orleans
  • Dallas


  • Jacksonville

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All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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