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Faroe Islands, Denmark, Wild animals
This deal is already a few days old and availability may have changed.

🐋Let’s Go to Faroe🇫🇴 with These Amazing Flights!🐧

Save up to $700 on this unique voyage!

From $351

Published by

Chart our course, Matey - we set sail for a true pirate's paradise, the Faroe Islands!

If you are looking for a unique and exciting adventure, this is one unlike any other. The Faroe Islands, a volcanic archepelago far to the UK's north and between Iceland and Norway, is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Outdoors people love it for its stunning hikes and abundant wildlife such as whales, puffins and ponies!


Close to the Sea
Great for Hikers
Great for Groups
Great for Couples
Great for Solo Travel


  • New York City
  • Los Angeles
  • Boston
  • District of Columbia
  • Chicago


  • Faroe Islands


Here are some of the dates and departure airports we found for you, but there are many more available.

These fares often include extended layovers, in places like Copenhagen or Oslo, due to the Islands' remote location.

Here's the best flight we found...

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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