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Eureka! Let's Go to Riga 🇱🇻🏰🌲

Explore Riga, Latvia from $446 Round-trip—Usually $700+

From $446

Published by

Pirates, we are going gaga over these Riga flights we found. While you would typically pay over $700 for a round-trip visit to the Latvian capital, you can book from $446 today.

Very affordable compared to many European capitals, if you love antiques and vintage wares, Riga will not disappoint. Quaint with cobblestoned streets, stunning castles, and churches—its historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site— the city also boasts very bohemian and indie quarters like the Kalnciema district and the Miera Street area.

We found dates in February, September, and October from various US cities, including New York, Palm Beach, and Dallas.


  • New York
  • Boston
  • Charlotte
  • Miami
  • Baltimore
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Washington
  • Cleveland
  • Atlanta
  • Palm Beach
  • San Francisco


  • Riga

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuations and changes at any time.

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