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French Riviera, France, Provence
This deal is already a few days old and availability may have changed.

🇫🇷 Luxe French Riviera Vacation at a NICE Price 🥐

Spend 6 Nights in Nice, France from $718 with a Luxe Radisson Blu Hotel & Flights!

From $718

Published by
Molly Cowen·1/2/2024

Pirates, we've found incredible rates on a luxe French Riviera vacation. Fly to Nice and spend six nights at the 4-star Radisson Blu Hotel Nice, where you'll enjoy a private beach, rooftop pool and bar with panoramic views, and a fabulous location on the Promenade des Anglais.

This same vacation climbs over $2,000 during the summer, so these winter and spring deals will save you over 60%! While high temperatures may be in the 60s, there's plenty of sun and it's still an excellent time to explore Nice's beachfront Promenade and charming Old Town.


  • New York
  • Washington
  • Boston
  • Miami
  • San Francisco


  • Nice
  • French Riviera


Here are some of the dates and departure airports we found for you, but there are many more available.

These fares are based on short layovers or nonstop journeys.

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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