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Arecales, Asia, Orange
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It's Thai-me ⏰ for a Solo Phuket Vacation 🌺🌴

Bargain 8-Night Vacation in Phuket, Thailand from $889—Book Solo or with Friends!

From $889

Published by
Molly Cowen·1/1/2024

Pirates, we've found fantastic rates on an 8-night trip to Phuket, Thailand this winter or spring! Book from $889, including flights and eight nights in a dorm at the top-rated Book a Bed Poshtel (5/5 on TripAdvisor!). This hostel will convince even the hostel skeptics, with a fabulous pool, luxe dorm rooms, and a prime location in Phuket Town.

Book this trip as a solo adventure, or get your friends involved and book together — simply adjust the number of travelers during booking.

While flights alone typically cost over $1,200, you can book this entire 8-night vacation from even less!


  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • New York


  • Phuket


Here are some of the dates and departure airports we found for you, but there are many more available.

These trips are based on solo occupancy, but you can adjust the number of travelers to fit your needs.

Additional Information

*All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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South East AsiaBeach VacationsNatureSpringEarly BirdUnder 1000WinterWinter BreakWinter SunLast MinuteSolo Travel
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