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This Cave Hotel in Turkiye Has the Most Incredible Spa 🤩 🪨

This Top-Rated Hotel Has an Underground River, Rooms w/ Private Pools, and So Much More!

From $85

Published by

Let's be honest, any cave hotel in Cappadocia is absolutely remarkable, but we found one that may stick out among the rest. This particular hotel has an underground spa and a river-styled pool with boats that will take guests to premium suites inside the accommodation. Prices range from $85 for a basic cave room to $1,000+ a night for a suite with a private in-room pool. Many of the premium suites are named after popular historical figures, such as the Mona Lisa and Princess Diana where in both of these particular suites, their faces are etched into the pool tiles.


Outdoor Pool
Indoor Pool
Wellness Area
Breakfast Included
Excellent Room


  • Cappadocia

Additional Information

*All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuations and changes at any time.



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