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Look at This Adults-Only Villa in Puerto Vallarta 😍 🏝️

Stay at the Top-Rated & Beachside Villa Lala from $145 a Night—Great Spring & Summer Rates

From $145

Published by

This adults-only boutique hotel is stunning and has stellar reviews (5/5 on TripAdvisor). With a stay here, you'll be right on the ocean and can enjoy the dock and salt pool, as well as, have access to an infinity pool and lush garden space.

The lowest rates shown below are for the junior garden view suite, which offers floor-to-ceiling windows. However, you can spend more and opt for the luxe nest suites with private pools, balconies, and so much more.


Adults Only
Beachfront location
Infinity Pool
Outdoor Pool
Hot Tub / Jacuzzi
Top Location


  • Puerto Vallarta


*The best rates can be found from April through June. Summer rates are just a bit more, but winter rates more than double.

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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