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Check Out This Tennessee Airbnb & What it Has to Offer 🎮 🎳

Airbnb Near Dollywood That Has Bowling, Indoor Pool, Game Room, Cinema, & So Much More!

From $882

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This humble abode is located in Tennessee, near Knoxville and Pigeon Forge—the perfect place to stay if you're planning to visit Dollywood or the Great Smoky Mountains. This house offers so many amenities inside and is a theme park within itself. It can fit up to 12 guests in total—perfect for the whole family or your entire group of friends!


  • Sevierville


This house offers a large outdoor terrace on the lake with a BBQ and fantastic views of the mountains. You can walk along the valley, through the surrounding mountains, or to a waterfall.

The indoor swimming pool is wonderfully heated.

There's also a large living room, an open kitchen...

A game room with a Nintendo Switch and an Xbox One, a "secret" children's room, a jukebox, a cinema with wonderful lounge chairs, and 6 bedrooms, each with private bathrooms.

And what exactly does a stay in this house cost? Don't be alarmed, but it's not exactly cheap. This Airbnb costs about $882 per night, but that's not including Airbnb taxes and fees, and a minimum of three nights must be booked. However, if you add up the total costs and split it between 12 people, you're looking at $112 per person, per night.

So drum up your group of friends/family and convince them!

Let's go to Tennessee!

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All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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