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zion national park, Utah, USA
This deal is already a few days old and availability may have changed.

Bargain Stays at a Bea-Utah-ful Hotel Near Zion National Park 😍🏜

This Award-Winning Hotel Climbs Above $300 in March 💸

From $76

Published by
Molly Cowen·1/21/2024

We've found amazing rates at the award-winning 3-star Hampton Inn & Suites Springdale/Zion National Park (4.5/5 on TripAdvisor & winner of the 2023 Travelers' Choice Award). This hotel has a convenient location near Zion National Park, fantastic views of the surrounding red rocks, a hot tub, and free breakfast included!

Last-minute winter deals start from $76 per night, an excellent deal when rates climb as high as $314 in March.


  • Zion National Park


We found some dates with the best rates for you, but many others are available.

Pirate Tip 🏴‍☠️️: select the 'Our lowest price' option on Trivago to get the best deal. 

Additional Information

Keep in mind that our deals are always available when we publish them, but that typically changes over time.

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