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Balkan, beach, Black Sea
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Varna🌊 Go to Bulgaria🇧🇬? These Great Bargain Flights✈️ Are Perfect for You!

Save more than $500 on routes to the Black Sea!

From $655

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Look here, matey: a pirate sets their own path - and we're off to Bulgaria!

Everyone goes to the Mediterranean Sea, some go to the Baltic Sea, but those in the know go to the Black Sea! Varna is an ancient city that sits along a beautiful coastline with all of the history to match its more celebrated sister cities to the West.

These tickets take you to Bulgaria for two weeks, giving you more than enough time to take the sleeper train from Varna to Istanbul and back.


Close to the Sea
Close to the Beach
Great for Couples


  • New York City
  • District of Columbia
  • Chicago
  • Miami
  • Boston
  • Los Angeles


  • Varna


Here are some of the dates and departure airports we found for you, but there are many more available.

Most of these fares are based on nonstop or limited connection options.

Some of these deals were found through Austrian Airlines, giving you enough time to check out Vienna on the way back!

Here's the best flight we found...

Additional Information

All of our deals are available at the time of publishing, but prices are subject to fluctuate and change at any time.

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